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Key Questions To Help You Discover Your Strengths in Business Development

Have you ever dreamed of possessing a superpower? What if I were to tell you that you already wield one that can elevate your success and happiness in your career and life – even if you are unaware of it?

Business development is essential for revenue generation and career advancement, but it can pose challenges for many professionals. Amid long hours and other critical work responsibilities, it can seem downright daunting.

Luckily, each of us harbors a distinctive talent, a superpower, that can be utilized to help us succeed. Some radiate positive energy that lights up a room upon entry, while others are astute analysts who can solve critical problems for their contacts, thus providing value. My own superpower is matchmaking – I’m like a modern-day yenta in the mergers and acquisitions world. The ripple effect on making connections has resulted in multiple returns for own business.

To discover your own unique business development strength or superpower, here are a few questions to ask yourself.

Uncovering your unique talents in business development

1: What are your strengths?

What are you good at? Do you have any talents or special abilities? For instance, if you are a great public speaker, can you find opportunities to speak at conference or serve on an expert panel? If you are a great writer, perhaps you can create a monthly newsletter with valuable tips and updates. Make a list of your unique strengths and think about how you can use them to your advantage.

2: What are your weaknesses?

Acknowledge your limitations by making a list of your weaknesses and then think about ways that you can transform them into advantages.

3: What opportunities are available to you?

Leverage available resources for maximum impact. If your business has a budget for business development, use it. Think about your existing connections and how you can provide mutual value. For example, imagine your cousin owns a winery. You could set up a semiannual, exclusive, private wine tasting event for key customers, investors, and contacts.

4: How can you add value to people’s lives?

Do you have any special knowledge, skills, or expertise that can add value to people’s lives? This does not necessarily have to be related to your job or your company. I have a friend who is a serious foodie. He emails his contacts a newsletter with reviews, critiques, and suggestions, thus becoming the go-to guy for restaurant recommendations within his network. By providing this value, he creates exposure, maintains connections, and generate goodwill.

Reflection Question: What were some of the most interesting discoveries you made while reading this blog article? About the problem? About yourself? About others?

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